Quick start¶
To get started with pydov you should first determine which information you want to search for. DOV provides a lot of different datasets about soil, subsoil and groundwater of Flanders, most of which can be queried using pydov. Check out the datasets we support on the select datasets page.
Each of the datasets can be queried using a search object for this dataset. While the search objects are different, the workflow is the same for each dataset. Relevant classes can be imported from the pydov.search package, for example if we’d like to query the boreholes dataset:
from pydov.search.boring import BoringSearch
boringsearch = BoringSearch()
Now we can query for boreholes either on attributes, on location or on a combination of both. To query on attributes, we use the OGC filter functions from OWSLib. For example, to request all boreholes with a depth over 550 m, we would use the following query
from owslib.fes2 import PropertyIsGreaterThan
dataframe = boringsearch.search(
propertyname='diepte_tot_m', literal='550')
pydov will perform the search and load the matching data (status is shown in the progress bar) into a Pandas DataFrame:
[000/253] ..................................................
[050/253] ..................................................
[100/253] ..................................................
[150/253] ..................................................
[200/253] ..................................................
[250/253] ...
pkey_boring boornummer x y mv_mtaw start_boring_mtaw gemeente diepte_boring_van diepte_boring_tot datum_aanvang uitvoerder boorgatmeting diepte_methode_van diepte_methode_tot boormethode
0 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1965... kb15d27e-B149 144820.0 217840.0 2.00 2.00 Beveren 0.0 622.00 1965-07-13 Belgische Geologische Dienst (BGD) True 0.00 622.00 onbekend
1 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1984... kb9d9w-B244 200063.0 235530.0 30.44 30.44 Ravels 0.0 570.00 1984-03-19 Smet - Dessel True 0.00 570.00 spoelboring
2 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/2016... kb25d61e-B348 209825.6 195829.2 38.00 38.00 Beringen 0.0 575.00 NaN onbekend False 0.00 575.00 onbekend
3 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1901... kb26d63e-B1 237924.0 194897.0 65.00 65.00 Opglabbeek 0.0 713.27 1901-01-01 Belgische Geologische Dienst (BGD) False 0.00 713.27 onbekend
4 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1902... kb26d63e-B2 235262.0 197398.0 75.30 75.30 Meeuwen-Gruitrode 0.0 870.10 1902-01-01 Belgische Geologische Dienst (BGD) False 0.00 870.10 onbekend
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
405 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/2002... BGD048e0294 238725.0 201000.0 51.00 51.00 Bree 0.0 571.15 2002-05-21 Smet - GWT True 416.09 566.14 rollerbit
406 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/2002... BGD048e0294 238725.0 201000.0 51.00 51.00 Bree 0.0 571.15 2002-05-21 Smet - GWT True 566.14 571.15 kernboring
407 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1995... BGD016E0230 174827.0 227892.0 28.00 28.00 Rijkevorsel 0.0 1061.00 1995-01-01 Cofor False 0.00 1061.00 spoelboring
408 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1995... BGD016E0231 174839.0 227842.0 28.00 28.00 Rijkevorsel 0.0 1150.00 1995-01-01 Cofor False 0.00 1150.00 spoelboring
409 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1996... BGD016E0232 174839.0 227846.0 28.00 28.00 Rijkevorsel 0.0 1042.10 1996-01-01 Cofor False 0.00 1042.10 spoelboring
[410 rows x 15 columns]
To query on location, we use location objects and spatial filters from the pydov.util.location module. For example, to request all boreholes in a given bounding box, we would use the following location
from pydov.util.location import Within, Box
dataframe = boringsearch.search(
location=Within(Box(107500, 202000, 108500, 203000))
pydov will perform the search and load the matching data into a Pandas DataFrame. For convenience, only the first 5 lines are shown in the output using the .head()
method from Pandas:
[000/035] ...............cc..................
pkey_boring boornummer x y mv_mtaw start_boring_mtaw gemeente diepte_boring_van diepte_boring_tot datum_aanvang uitvoerder boorgatmeting diepte_methode_van diepte_methode_tot boormethode
0 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1998... UG-TGO-98/01-SB12F2 107585.0 202595.0 5.06 5.06 Evergem 0.0 7.25 1998-02-05 Universiteit Gent - Geologisch Instituut False 0.0 7.25 spoelboring
1 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1895... kb14d40e-B65 107881.0 202552.0 5.00 5.00 Gent 0.0 1.80 1895-01-01 onbekend False 0.0 1.80 droge boring
2 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1927... kb14d40e-B128 108006.0 202737.0 5.00 5.00 Gent 0.0 38.00 1927-01-01 Van Santen-Wetteren False 0.0 38.00 spoelboring
3 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1947... kb14d40e-B182 108054.0 202838.0 5.00 5.00 Gent 0.0 276.00 1947-01-01 Behiels-(Lemmens)-Wetteren False 0.0 276.00 spoelboring
4 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1947... kb14d40e-B183 108054.0 202838.0 5.00 5.00 Gent 0.0 312.00 1947-01-01 onbekend False 0.0 312.00 droge boring
Notice the cc
in the progress bar while loading of the data? It means the data was loaded from
your local cache instead of being downloaded, as it was already part of an earlier data request. See the caching documentation
for more in-depth information.
Attribute queries can be combined with location filtering by specifying both parameters in the search call:
dataframe = boringsearch.search(
propertyname='diepte_tot_m', literal='550'),
location=Within(Box(107500, 202000, 108500, 203000))
pydov will perform the search and return the data that matches both the attribute and the location filters as a Pandas DataFrame:
[000/002] cc
pkey_boring boornummer x y mv_mtaw start_boring_mtaw gemeente diepte_boring_van diepte_boring_tot datum_aanvang uitvoerder boorgatmeting diepte_methode_van diepte_methode_tot boormethode
0 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1989... kb14d40e-B777 108015.0 202860.0 5.0 5.0 Gent 0.0 660.0 1989-01-25 onbekend False 0.0 660.0 onbekend
1 https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/data/boring/1972... kb14d40e-B778 108090.0 202835.0 5.0 5.0 Gent 0.0 600.0 1972-05-17 onbekend False 0.0 600.0 onbekend
The Query on attribute properties and Query on location pages provide an overview of the query options for attributes and locations respectively.
All the pydov functionalities rely on the existing DOV webservices. An in-depth overview of the available services and endpoints is provided on the accessing DOV data page. To retrieve data, pydov uses a combination of the available WFS services and the XML representation of the core DOV data.
For the datasets listed above (the full overview is enlisted here), the package converts the data into a Pandas DataFrame
, i.e. denormalizing the data. A Pandas DataFrame is a table-like format and the Python Pandas package provides powerful operations, such as filtering, subsetting, group by operations, etc., making further analysis easy.
As pydov relies on the XML data returned by the existing DOV webservices, downloads of these files can slow down the data retrieval. To mitigate this, pydov implements some additional features that you can use to speed up your searches. Details are explained in the performance guide.