Source code for pydov.types.abstract

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module containing the base DOV data types."""

import types
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from owslib.etree import etree

import pydov
from import AbstractCommon
from pydov.types.fields import AbstractField, ReturnFieldList
from pydov.util import owsutil
from pydov.util.dovutil import get_dov_xml, parse_dov_xml
from pydov.util.errors import RemoteFetchError, XmlFetchWarning
from import LocalSessionThreadPool

from ..util.errors import InvalidFieldError, XmlParseError, XmlParseWarning
from ..util.hooks import HookRunner

[docs] class AbstractTypeCommon(AbstractCommon): """Class grouping methods common to AbstractDovType and AbstractDovSubType. Attributes ---------- fields : list of pydov.types.fields.AbstractField List of fields of this type. """ fields = [] @classmethod def _parse(cls, func, xpath, namespace, returntype): """Parse the result of an XML path function, stripping the namespace and adding type conversion. Parameters ---------- func : reference to function Function to call. xpath : str XML path of the element, used as the argument of `func`. namespace : str or None Namespace to be added to each item in the `xpath`. None to use the xpath as is. returntype : str Parse the text found with `func` to this output datatype. One of `string`, `float`, `integer`, `date`, `datetime`, `boolean`. Returns ------- str or float or int or bool or or datetime.datetime Returns the parsed value of the output from calling `func` on `xpath`, converted to the type described by `returntype`. """ if namespace is not None: ns = '{{{}}}'.format(namespace) text = func('./' + ns + ('/' + ns).join(xpath.split('/'))) else: text = func('./' + xpath.lstrip('/')) if text is None: return np.nan return cls._typeconvert(text, returntype)
[docs] @classmethod def extend_fields(cls, extra_fields): """Extend the fields of this type with given extra fields and return the new fieldset. Parameters ---------- extra_fields : list of pydov.types.fields.AbstractField Extra fields to be appended to the existing fields of this type. Returns ------- list of pydov.types.fields.AbstractField List of the existing fields of this type, extended with the extra fields supplied in extra_fields. """ fields = list(cls.fields) fields.extend(extra_fields) return fields
[docs] class AbstractDovSubType(AbstractTypeCommon): """Abstract DOV type grouping fields and methods common to all DOV subtypes. Not to be instantiated or used directly. Attributes ---------- rootpath : str XPath expression of the root element of this subtype. Should return all elements of this subtype. Raises ------ RuntimeError When the defined fields of this type are invalid. """ rootpath = None _UNRESOLVED = "{UNRESOLVED}" def __init__(self): """Initialisation. Parameters ---------- name : str The name associated with this subtype. """ for f in self.fields: if not isinstance(f, AbstractField): raise RuntimeError( "Subtype '{}' fields should be instances of " "pydov.types.fields.AbstractField, found {}.".format( self.__class__.__name__, str(type(f)))) = dict( zip(self.get_field_names(), [AbstractDovSubType._UNRESOLVED] * len(self.get_field_names())) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_data): """Build instances of this subtype from XML data. Parameters ---------- xml_data : bytes Raw XML data of the DOV object that contains information about this subtype. Yields ------ An instance of this type for each occurrence of the rootpath in the XML document. """ try: tree = parse_dov_xml(xml_data) for element in tree.findall(cls.rootpath): yield cls.from_xml_element(element) except XmlParseError: # Ignore XmlParseError here in subtypes, assuming it will be # reported in the corresponding main type. We can make this # assumption safely because both main and subtypes are in a # single XML file. pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, element): """Build an instance of this subtype from a single XML element. Parameters ---------- element : etree.Element XML element representing a single record of this subtype. Returns ------- instance of this class An instance of this class based on the data in the XML element. """ instance = cls() for field in cls.get_fields().values():[field['name']] = instance._parse( func=element.findtext, xpath=field['sourcefield'], namespace=None, returntype=field.get('type', None) ) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def get_field_names(cls): """Return the names of the fields available for this type. Returns ------- list<str> List of the field names available for this type. These are also the names of the columns in the output dataframe for this type. """ return [f['name'] for f in cls.fields]
[docs] @classmethod def get_fields(cls): """Return the metadata of the fields available for this type. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict<str,dict> Ordered dictionary mapping the field (column) name to the dictionary containing the metadata of this field. This metadata dictionary includes at least: name (str) The name of the field in the output data. source (str) The source of the field (either `wfs` or `xml`). sourcefield (str) The name of the field in the source (source + sourcefield identify the origin of the data). type (str) Datatype of the output data field (one of `string`, `float`, `integer`, `date`, `datetime`). definition (str) The definition of the field. notnull (boolean) Whether the field is mandatory (True) or can be null (False). """ return OrderedDict( zip([f['name'] for f in cls.fields], [f for f in cls.fields]))
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): """Return the name associated with this subtype. Returns ------- name : str The name associated with this subtype. """ return cls.__name__
[docs] class AbstractDovType(AbstractTypeCommon): """Abstract DOV type grouping fields and methods common to all DOV object types. Not to be instantiated or used directly. Attributes ---------- subtypes : list of subclass of pydov.types.abstract.AbstractDovSubType List of subtypes of this type. """ _UNRESOLVED = "{UNRESOLVED}" subtypes = [] fields = [] pkey_fieldname = None def __init__(self, typename, pkey): """Initialisation. Parameters ---------- typename : str Name of the DOV object type. pkey : str Permanent key of this DOV object, being a URI of the form ``. Raises ------ RuntimeError When the defined fields of this type are invalid. """ if typename is None or pkey is None: raise ValueError( "Failed to instantiate object of class {} with typename '{}' " "and permkey '{}'. Typename and pkey must not be None.".format( self.__class__.__name__, typename, pkey)) self.typename = typename self.pkey = pkey for f in self.fields: if not isinstance(f, AbstractField): raise RuntimeError( "Type '{}' fields should be instances of " "pydov.types.fields.AbstractField, found {}.".format( self.__class__.__name__, str(type(f)))) = dict( zip(self.get_field_names(include_subtypes=False), [AbstractDovType._UNRESOLVED] * len(self.get_field_names())) ) self.subdata = dict( zip([st.get_name() for st in self.subtypes], [] * len(self.subtypes)) )['pkey_{}'.format(self.typename)] = self.pkey def _parse_xml_data(self, session=None): """Get remote XML data for this DOV object, parse the raw XML and save the results in the data object. Parameters ---------- session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- success : boolean Whether or not the XML data could be fetched and parsed. """ try: xml = self._get_xml_data(session) except RemoteFetchError: warnings.warn(("Failed to fetch remote XML document for " "object '{}'. Resulting dataframe will be " "incomplete.".format(self.pkey)), XmlFetchWarning) return False try: tree = parse_dov_xml(xml) for field in self.get_fields(source=('xml',), include_subtypes=False).values():[field['name']] = self._parse( func=tree.findtext, xpath=field['sourcefield'], namespace=None, returntype=field.get('type', None) ) for field in self.get_fields(source=('custom_xml',), include_subtypes=False).values():[field['name']] = field.calculate( self.__class__, tree) or np.nan self._parse_subtypes(xml) return True except XmlParseError: warnings.warn( ("Failed to parse XML for object '{}'. Resulting " "dataframe will be incomplete.").format(self.pkey), XmlParseWarning) return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_wfs_element(cls, feature, namespace): """Build an instance of this type from a WFS feature element. Parameters ---------- feature : etree.Element XML element representing a single record of the WFS layer. namespace : str Namespace associated with this WFS featuretype. Returns ------- cls An instance of this class populated with the data from the WFS element. """ if cls.pkey_fieldname is not None: pkey = feature.findtext( './{{{}}}{}'.format(namespace, cls.pkey_fieldname)) else: pkey = feature.get('{}id') instance = cls(pkey) for field in cls.get_fields(source=('wfs',)).values(): if owsutil.has_geom_support() and field['type'] == 'geometry':[field['name']] = cls._parse( func=feature.find, xpath=field['sourcefield'], namespace=namespace, returntype='geometry' ) else:[field['name']] = cls._parse( func=feature.findtext, xpath=field['sourcefield'], namespace=namespace, returntype=field.get('type', str) ) for field in cls.get_fields(source=('custom_wfs',)).values(): for required_field in field.requires_wfs_fields():[required_field] = cls._parse( func=feature.findtext, xpath=required_field, namespace=namespace, returntype=field.get('type', str) ) for field in cls.get_fields(source=('custom_wfs',)).values():[field['name']] = field.calculate(instance) or np.nan return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_wfs(cls, response, namespace): """Build instances of this type from a WFS response. Parameters ---------- response : str or bytes or etree.Element or iterable<etree.Element> WFS response containing GML features. Can either be a GML `str` or `byte` sequence, in which case it will be parsed and scanned for `wfs20:member`. Can also be a single instance of `etree.Element` containing the parsed GML response. It can also be an iterable (list, tuple or generator) of `etree.Element` in which case it will be looped over. namespace : str Namespace associated with this WFS featuretype. Yields ------ An instance of this type for each record in the WFS response. """ if isinstance(response, str): response = response.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(response, bytes): response = etree.fromstring(response) element_type = type(etree.Element(b'xml')) if isinstance(response, element_type): feature_members = response.findall( './/{}member') if feature_members is not None: for member in feature_members: feature = member[0] yield (cls.from_wfs_element(feature, namespace)) if type(response) in (list, tuple, set) \ or isinstance(response, types.GeneratorType): for el in response: yield (cls.from_wfs_element(el, namespace))
[docs] @classmethod def get_field_names(cls, return_fields=None, include_subtypes=True, include_wfs_injected=False, include_geometry=False): """Return the names of the fields available for this type. Parameters ---------- return_fields : ReturnFieldList List of fields to include in the data array. The order is ignored, the default order of the fields of the datatype is used instead. Defaults to None, which will include all fields. include_subtypes : boolean Whether to include fields defined in subtypes (True) or not ( False). Defaults to True. include_wfs_injected : boolean Whether to include fields defined in WFS only, not in the default dataframe for this type. Defaults to False. include_geometry : boolean Whether to include geometry fields. Defaults to False. Returns ------- list<str> List of the field names available for this type. These are also the names of the columns in the output dataframe for this type. Raises ------ AttributeError If the type of `return_fields` is not one of None, list, tuple or set. pydov.util.errors.InvalidFieldError If at least one of the fields listed in `return_fields` is unknown. """ if return_fields is None: if include_wfs_injected: fields = [f['name'] for f in cls.fields if f['type'] != 'geometry' or include_geometry] else: fields = [f['name'] for f in cls.fields if not f.get( 'wfs_injected', False) and ( f['type'] != 'geometry' or include_geometry)] if include_subtypes: for st in cls.subtypes: fields.extend(st.get_field_names()) elif not isinstance(return_fields, ReturnFieldList): raise AttributeError( 'return_fields should be an instance of ' 'pydov.types.fields.ReturnFieldList') else: cls_fields = [f['name'] for f in cls.fields if f['type'] != 'geometry' or include_geometry] if include_subtypes: for st in cls.subtypes: cls_fields.extend(st.get_field_names()) fields = [ for f in return_fields if in cls_fields] for rf in return_fields: if not in cls_fields: raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown return field: '{}'".format( return fields
[docs] @classmethod def get_fields(cls, source=('wfs', 'xml'), include_subtypes=True): """Return the metadata of the fields available for this type. Parameters ---------- source : list<str> or tuple<str> or iterable<str> A list of sources to include in the output. Can be a combination of one or more of `wfs`, `xml` or `custom . Defaults to (`wfs`, `xml`). include_subtypes : boolean Whether to include fields defined in subtypes (True) or not ( False). Defaults to True. Returns ------- collections.OrderedDict<str,dict> Ordered dictionary mapping the field (column) name to the dictionary containing the metadata of this field. This metadata dictionary includes at least: name (str) The name of the field in the output data. source (str) The source of the field (either `wfs`, `xml` or `custom`). type (str) Datatype of the output data field (one of `string`, `float`, `integer`, `date`, `datetime`, `boolean`). The metadata dictionary additionally includes for fields with source `xml` or `wfs`: sourcefield (str) The name of the field in the source (source + sourcefield identify the origin of the data). The metadata dictionary additionally includes for fields with source `xml` or `custom`: definition (str) The definition of the field. notnull (boolean) Whether the field is mandatory (True) or can be null (False). """ fields = OrderedDict( zip([f['name'] for f in cls.fields if f['source'] in source], [f for f in cls.fields if f['source'] in source])) if include_subtypes and 'xml' in source: for st in cls.subtypes: fields.update(st.get_fields()) return fields
[docs] @classmethod def get_xsd_schemas(cls): """Get a set of distinct XSD schema URLs for this type and its subtypes. Returns ------- set of str A set of XSD schema URLs. """ xsd_schemas = set() fields = cls.get_fields(source='xml', include_subtypes=True) for f in fields.values(): if 'xsd_type' in f: xsd_schemas.add(f['xsd_schema']) return xsd_schemas
[docs] @classmethod def to_df_array(cls, iterable, return_fields=None): """Returns a dataframe array with one or more arrays (rows) for each instance in the given iterable. Uses parallel processing to speed up IO operations. Parameters ---------- iterable : list<DovType> or tuple<DovType> or iterable<DovType> A list of instances of a DOV type. return_fields : list<str> or tuple<str> or set<str> or iterable<str> List of fields to include in the data array. The order is ignored, the default order of the fields of the datatype is used instead. Defaults to None, which will include all fields. Returns ------- list of list Dataframe contents in the format of a twodimensional list (rows) of lists (columns). The values in the second list are in the same order as the field/column names, for inclusion in the resulting Pandas dataframe of a search operation. """ def unnest_result(result, df_result): """Unnest the result into multiple rows (lists) if necessary. Rows are appended to the df_result list.""" if result is not None and len(result) > 0: if isinstance(result[0], list): for r in result: df_result.append(r) else: df_result.append(result) pool = LocalSessionThreadPool() for item in iterable: pool.execute(item.get_df_array, (return_fields,)) df_result = [] for res in pool.join(): unnest_result(res.get_result(), df_result) return df_result
def _get_xml_data(self, session=None): """Return the raw XML data for this DOV object. Parameters ---------- session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- xml : bytes The raw XML data of this DOV object as bytes. """ if pydov.cache: return pydov.cache.get(self.pkey + '.xml', session) else: xml = get_dov_xml(self.pkey + '.xml', session) HookRunner.execute_xml_downloaded(self.pkey) return xml def _parse_subtypes(self, xml): """Parse the subtypes with the given XML data. Parameters ---------- xml : bytes The raw XML data of the DOV object as bytes. """ for subtype in self.subtypes: st_name = subtype.get_name() if st_name not in self.subdata: self.subdata[st_name] = [] for subitem in subtype.from_xml(xml): self.subdata[st_name].append(subitem)
[docs] def get_df_array(self, return_fields=None, session=None): """Return the data array of the instance of this type for inclusion in the resulting output dataframe of a search operation. Parameters ---------- return_fields : list<str> or tuple<str> or set<str> or iterable<str> List of fields to include in the data array. The order is ignored, the default order of the fields of the datatype is used instead. Defaults to None, which will include all fields. session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- list List of the values of this instance in the same order as the field/column names, for inclusion in the result dataframe of a search operation. """ fields = self.get_field_names(return_fields, include_geometry=True) if len(fields) == 0: fields = self.get_field_names( return_fields, include_wfs_injected=True, include_geometry=False) ownfields = self.get_field_names(include_subtypes=False, include_wfs_injected=True, include_geometry=True) subfields = [f for f in fields if f not in ownfields] parsed = None if len(subfields) > 0: parsed = self._parse_xml_data(session) datadicts = [] datarecords = [] if len(self.subdata) == 0 or len(subfields) == 0: datadicts.append( else: for subtype in self.subdata: if len(self.subdata[subtype]) == 0: datadicts.append( else: for subdata in self.subdata[subtype]: datadict = {} datadict.update( datadict.update( datadicts.append(datadict) for d in datadicts: datarecords.append([d.get(field, np.nan) for field in fields]) for d in datarecords: if parsed is None and self._UNRESOLVED in d: parsed = self._parse_xml_data(session) if parsed is True: datarecords = self.get_df_array(return_fields) return [[c if c != self._UNRESOLVED else np.nan for c in r] for r in datarecords]