Source code for pydov.util.dovutil

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module grouping utility functions for DOV XML services."""
import os
import warnings

from owslib.etree import etree

from pydov.util.errors import RemoteFetchError, XmlParseError, XsdFetchWarning
from pydov.util.hooks import HookRunner
from import SessionFactory

[docs] def build_dov_url(path): """Build the DOV url consisting of the fixed DOV base url, appended with the given path. Returns ------- str The absolute DOV url. """ if 'PYDOV_BASE_URL' in os.environ: base_url = os.environ['PYDOV_BASE_URL'] else: base_url = '' return base_url + path.lstrip('/')
[docs] def get_remote_url(url, session=None): """Request the URL from the remote service and return its contents. Parameters ---------- url : str URL to download. session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- xml : bytes The raw XML data as bytes. """ if session is None: session = SessionFactory.get_session() request = session.get(url) if request.status_code != 200: raise RemoteFetchError("Failed to fetch data at {}".format(url)) request.encoding = 'utf-8' return request.text.encode('utf8')
[docs] def get_xsd_schema(url): """Request the XSD schema from DOV webservices and return it. Parameters ---------- url : str URL of the XSD schema to download. Returns ------- xml : bytes The raw XML data of this XSD schema as bytes. """ response = HookRunner.execute_inject_meta_response(url) if response is None: try: response = get_remote_url(url) except RemoteFetchError: warnings.warn("Failed to fetch remote XSD schema, metadata will " "be incomplete.", XsdFetchWarning) response = None HookRunner.execute_meta_received(url, response) return response
[docs] def get_dov_xml(url, session=None): """Request the XML from the remote DOV webservices and return it. Parameters ---------- url : str URL of the DOV object to download. session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- xml : bytes The raw XML data of this DOV object as bytes. """ response = HookRunner.execute_inject_xml_response(url) if response is None: response = get_remote_url(url, session) HookRunner.execute_xml_received(url, response) return response
[docs] def parse_dov_xml(xml_data): """Parse the given XML data into an ElementTree. Parameters ---------- xml_data : bytes The raw XML data of a DOV object as bytes. Returns ------- tree : etree.ElementTree Parsed XML tree of the DOV object. """ try: parser = etree.XMLParser( ns_clean=True, recover=True, resolve_entities=False) except TypeError: parser = etree.XMLParser() try: tree = etree.fromstring(xml_data, parser=parser) return tree except Exception: raise XmlParseError("Failed to parse XML record.")