Source code for pydov.util.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module grouping Exception classes."""

[docs] class DOVError(Exception): """General error within PyDOV.""" pass
[docs] class RemoteFetchError(DOVError): """General error while fetching remote data from DOV webservices.""" pass
[docs] class OWSError(DOVError): """Error regarding the OGC web services.""" pass
[docs] class LayerNotFoundError(OWSError): """Error that occurs when a specific layer could not be found.""" pass
[docs] class WfsGetFeatureError(OWSError): """Error that occurs when requesting features using WFS GetFeature.""" pass
[docs] class InvalidSearchParameterError(DOVError): """Error that occurs when given invalid parameters to the DOV search.""" pass
[docs] class InvalidFieldError(DOVError): """Error that occurs when using a field outside its scope.""" pass
[docs] class XmlParseError(DOVError): """Error that occurs when the parsing of a DOV XML document failed.""" pass
[docs] class LogReplayError(Exception): pass
[docs] class DOVWarning(Warning): """General warning in PyDOV.""" pass
[docs] class XsdFetchWarning(DOVWarning): """Emitted when an XSD document fails to be fetched from the DOV webservice, resulting in the fields metadata to be incomplete."""
[docs] class XmlFetchWarning(DOVWarning): """Emitted when an XML document fails to be fetched from the DOV webservice, resulting in an incomplete dataframe."""
[docs] class XmlStaleWarning(DOVWarning): """Emitted when an XML document fails to be fetched from the DOV webservice and an older stale version is used from the cache, resulting in an out-of-date dataframe."""
[docs] class XmlParseWarning(DOVWarning): """Emitted when the failure to parse an XML document results in an incomplete dataframe."""
[docs] class DataParseWarning(DOVWarning): """Emitted when some data retrieved from DOV failed to be parsed according to the datatypes in pydov. The data that failed to be parsed is removed, resulting in an incomplete dataframe."""