Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module containing the abstract search classes to retrieve DOV data."""

from itertools import chain
import datetime
import math
import warnings
import re

import owslib
import owslib.fes2
from owslib.etree import etree
from owslib.feature import get_schema
from owslib.fes2 import FilterRequest
from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import pydov
from pydov.types.fields import (_WfsInjectedField, GeometryReturnField,
from pydov.util import owsutil
from pydov.util.dovutil import build_dov_url, get_xsd_schema
from pydov.util.errors import (InvalidFieldError, InvalidSearchParameterError,
                               LayerNotFoundError, WfsGetFeatureError,
from pydov.util.hooks import HookRunner
from import LocalSessionThreadPool

# compile regex for matching datetime
re_datetime = re.compile(

[docs] class AbstractCommon(object): """Class grouping methods common to AbstractSearch and AbstractTypeCommon.""" @classmethod def __strtobool(cls, val): """Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0). True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Raises ValueError if 'val' is anything else. Parameters ---------- val : str String representation to convert to boolean. Returns ------- boolean The converted boolean value. Raises ------ ValueError If the string cannot be converted to a boolean value. """ val = val.lower() if val in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1'): return True elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'): return False else: raise ValueError( "Cannot convert truth value %r to boolean." % (val,)) @classmethod def _typeconvert(cls, text, returntype): """Parse the text to the given returntype. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to convert returntype : str Parse the text to this output datatype. One of `string`, `float`, `integer`, `date`, `datetime`, `boolean`. Returns ------- str or float or int or bool or or datetime.datetime Returns the parsed text converted to the type described by `returntype`. """ if returntype == 'string': def typeconvert(x): return u'' + (x.strip()) elif returntype == 'integer': def typeconvert(x): return int(x) elif returntype == 'float': def typeconvert(x): return float(x) elif returntype == 'date': def typeconvert(x): # Patch for Zulu-time issue of geoserver for WFS 1.1.0 if x.endswith('Z'): return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dZ').date() \ + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d').date() elif returntype == 'datetime': def typeconvert(x): x_match = if x_match is None: raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse datetime from value "{x}"') x_datetime, x_millisecs, x_tz, x_zulu = x_match.groups() fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' val = x_datetime if x_millisecs is not None: x_millisecs = int(x_millisecs[1:]) fmt += '.%f' val += f'.{x_millisecs:0>6}' if x_tz is not None: fmt += '%z' val += x_tz dtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, fmt) if x_zulu == 'Z': dtime += datetime.timedelta(hours=1) return dtime elif returntype == 'boolean': def typeconvert(x): return cls.__strtobool(x) elif returntype == 'geometry': def typeconvert(x): if isinstance(x, etree._Element): if owsutil.has_geom_support(): import shapely.geometry import pygml return shapely.geometry.shape( pygml.parse(etree.tostring(x[0]).decode('utf8'))) else: # this shouldn't happen return etree.tostring(x[0]).decode('utf8') return np.nan else: def typeconvert(x): return x try: return typeconvert(text) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn( f"Failed to convert data to correct datatype: {e}. Resulting " "dataframe will be incomplete.", DataParseWarning) return np.nan
[docs] class AbstractSearch(AbstractCommon): """Abstract search class grouping methods common to all DOV search classes. Not to be instantiated or used directly.""" def __init__(self, layer, objecttype): """Initialisation. Parameters ---------- layer : str WFS layer to use for searching and retrieving records. objecttype : pydov.types.AbstractDovType Subclass of AbstractDovType indicating the associated DOV datatype. """ self._layer = layer self._type = objecttype self._fields = None self._wfs_fields = None self._geometry_column = None self._map_wfs_source_df = {} self._map_df_wfs_source = {} self._wfs = None self._wfs_schema = None self._wfs_namespace = None self._wfs_max_features = None self._md_metadata = None self._fc_featurecatalogue = None self._xsd_schemas = None def _get_wfs_endpoint(self): """Get the WFS endpoint URL to use for accessing the feature type. Returns ------- str The WFS endpoint URL. """ base_url = build_dov_url('geoserver/') workspace = self._layer.split(':')[0] return base_url + workspace + '/wfs' def _init_wfs(self): """Initialise the WFS service. If the WFS service is not instantiated yet, do so and save it in a static variable available to all subclasses and instances. """ if self._wfs is None: wfs_endpoint_url = self._get_wfs_endpoint() capabilities = owsutil.get_wfs_capabilities( wfs_endpoint_url + '?request=GetCapabilities&version=2.0.0') self._wfs = WebFeatureService( url=wfs_endpoint_url, version="2.0.0", xml=capabilities) self._wfs_max_features = owsutil.get_wfs_max_features(capabilities) def _init_namespace(self): """Initialise the WFS namespace associated with the layer. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This is an abstract method that should be implemented in a subclass. """ if self._wfs_namespace is None: self._wfs_namespace = self._get_namespace() def _init_fields(self): """Initialise the fields and their metadata available in this search class. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This is an abstract method that should be implemented in a subclass. """ if self._fields is None: if self._wfs_schema is None: self._wfs_schema = self._get_schema() if self._md_metadata is None: self._md_metadata = self._get_remote_metadata() if self._md_metadata is not None and \ self._fc_featurecatalogue is None: csw_url = self._get_csw_base_url() fc_uuid = owsutil.get_featurecatalogue_uuid(self._md_metadata) if fc_uuid is not None: self._fc_featurecatalogue = \ owsutil.get_remote_featurecatalogue(csw_url, fc_uuid) if self._xsd_schemas is None: self._xsd_schemas = self._get_remote_xsd_schemas() fields = self._build_fields( self._wfs_schema, self._fc_featurecatalogue, self._xsd_schemas) for field in fields.values(): if field['name'] not in self._type.get_field_names( include_wfs_injected=True): self._type.fields.append( _WfsInjectedField(name=field['name'], datatype=field['type'])) self._fields = self._build_fields( self._wfs_schema, self._fc_featurecatalogue, self._xsd_schemas) def _get_layer(self): """Get the WFS metadata for the layer. Returns ------- owslib.feature.wfs110.ContentMetadata Content metadata describing the layer. Raises ------ pydov.util.errors.LayerNotFoundError When the layer of this search class could not be found in the associated WFS service. """ self._init_wfs() if self._layer not in self._wfs.contents: raise LayerNotFoundError( 'Layer {} could not be found'.format(self._layer)) else: return self._wfs.contents[self._layer] def _get_schema(self): """Get the WFS schema (i.e. the output of the DescribeFeatureType request) of the layer. Returns ------- schema : dict Schema associated with the layer. """ self._init_wfs() layername = self._layer.split(':')[1] if ':' in self._layer else \ self._layer return get_schema( build_dov_url('geoserver/wfs'), layername, '2.0.0') def _get_namespace(self): """Get the WFS namespace of the layer. Returns ------- namespace : str The namespace associated with the WFS layer. This is the namespace of the fields of this layer, needed to parse the output of a GetFeature request. """ self._init_wfs() return owsutil.get_namespace(self._wfs, self._layer) def _get_remote_metadata(self): """Request and parse the remote metadata associated with the layer. Returns ------- owslib.iso.MD_Metadata or None Parsed remote metadata describing the WFS layer in more detail, in the ISO 19115/19139 format or None when no metadata could be found or parsed. """ wfs_layer = self._get_layer() return owsutil.get_remote_metadata(wfs_layer) def _get_remote_xsd_schemas(self): """Request and parse the remote XSD schemas associated with this type. Returns ------- list of etree.ElementTree List of parsed XSD schemas associated with this type. """ xsd_schemas = [get_xsd_schema(i) for i in self._type.get_xsd_schemas()] return [etree.fromstring(i) for i in xsd_schemas if i is not None] def _get_csw_base_url(self): """Get the CSW base url for the remote metadata associated with the layer. Returns ------- url : str Base URL of the CSW service where the remote metadata and feature catalogue can be requested. """ wfs_layer = self._get_layer() return owsutil.get_csw_base_url(wfs_layer) @classmethod def _get_xsd_enum_values(cls, xsd_schemas, xml_field): """Get the distinct enum values from XSD schemas for a given XML field. Depending of the 'xsd_type' of the XML field, retrieve the distinct enum values and definitions from the XSD schemas. Parameters ---------- xsd_schemas : list of etree.ElementTree List of parsed XSD schemas. xml_field : dict Dictionary describing the XML field, including a 'xsd_type' key linking the type to the enum type in (one of) the XSD schemas. Returns ------- values : dict Dictionary containing the enum values as keys (in the datatype of the XML field) and the definitions as values. """ values = None if xml_field.get('xsd_type', None): values = {} for schema in xsd_schemas: tree_values = schema.findall( './/{{}}simpleType[' '@name="{}"]/' '{{}}restriction/' '{{}}enumeration'.format( xml_field.get('xsd_type'))) for e in tree_values: value = cls._typeconvert( e.get('value'), xml_field.get('type')) values[value] = e.findtext( './{}annotation/{' '}documentation') if len(values) == 0: values = None return values def _build_fields(self, wfs_schema, feature_catalogue, xsd_schemas): """Build the dictionary containing the metadata about the available fields. Parameters ---------- wfs_schema : dict The schema associated with the WFS layer. feature_catalogue : dict Dictionary with fields described in the feature catalogue, as returned by pydov.util.owsutil.get_remote_featurecatalogue. Returns ------- fields : dict<str,dict> Dictionary containing the metadata of the available fields, where the metadata dictionary includes: name (str) The name of the field. definition (str) The definition of the field. type (str) The datatype of the field. notnull (boolean) Whether the field is mandatory (True) or can be null (False). cost (integer) The cost associated with the request of this field in the output dataframe. Raises ------ RuntimeError When the defined fields of this type are invalid. """ fields = {} self._wfs_fields = [] self._geometry_column = wfs_schema.get('geometry_column', None) for f in self._type.get_fields(include_subtypes=False).values(): if not isinstance(f, pydov.types.fields.AbstractField): raise RuntimeError( "Type '{}' fields should be instances of " "pydov.types.fields.AbstractField, found {}.".format( self._type.__name__, str(type(f)))) for f in self._type.get_fields(include_subtypes=True).values(): if not isinstance(f, pydov.types.fields.AbstractField): raise RuntimeError( "Fields of subtype of '{}' should be instances of " "pydov.types.fields.AbstractField, found {}.".format( self._type.__name__, str(type(f)))) _map_wfs_datatypes = { 'int': 'integer', 'long': 'integer', 'decimal': 'float', 'double': 'float', 'dateTime': 'datetime' } df_wfs_fields = self._type.get_fields(source=('wfs',)).values() for f in df_wfs_fields: self._map_wfs_source_df[f['sourcefield']] = f['name'] self._map_df_wfs_source[f['name']] = f['sourcefield'] for wfs_field in wfs_schema['properties'].keys(): if feature_catalogue is not None and \ wfs_field in feature_catalogue['attributes']: fc_field = feature_catalogue['attributes'][wfs_field] self._wfs_fields.append(wfs_field) name = self._map_wfs_source_df.get(wfs_field, wfs_field) field = { 'name': name, 'definition': fc_field['definition'], 'type': _map_wfs_datatypes.get( wfs_schema['properties'][wfs_field], wfs_schema['properties'][wfs_field]), 'notnull': fc_field['multiplicity'][0] > 0, 'query': True, 'cost': 1 } if fc_field['values'] is not None: field['values'] = fc_field['values'] fields[name] = field else: self._wfs_fields.append(wfs_field) name = self._map_wfs_source_df.get(wfs_field, wfs_field) field = { 'name': name, 'definition': None, 'type': _map_wfs_datatypes.get( wfs_schema['properties'][wfs_field], wfs_schema['properties'][wfs_field]), 'notnull': False, 'query': True, 'cost': 1 } fields[name] = field if owsutil.has_geom_support() and 'geometry' in wfs_schema and \ 'geometry_column' in wfs_schema: name = wfs_schema['geometry_column'] self._wfs_fields.append(name) field = { 'name': name, 'definition': None, 'type': 'geometry', 'notnull': False, 'query': False, 'cost': 1 } fields[name] = field for xml_field in self._type.get_fields(source=['xml']).values(): field = { 'name': xml_field['name'], 'type': xml_field['type'], 'definition': xml_field['definition'], 'notnull': xml_field['notnull'], 'query': False, 'cost': 10 } values = self._get_xsd_enum_values(xsd_schemas, xml_field) if values is not None: field['values'] = values fields[field['name']] = field for custom_field in self._type.get_fields( source=['custom_wfs']).values(): field = { 'name': custom_field['name'], 'type': custom_field['type'], 'definition': custom_field['definition'], 'notnull': custom_field['notnull'], 'query': False, 'cost': 1 } fields[field['name']] = field for custom_field in self._type.get_fields( source=['custom_xml']).values(): field = { 'name': custom_field['name'], 'type': custom_field['type'], 'definition': custom_field['definition'], 'notnull': custom_field['notnull'], 'query': False, 'cost': 10 } fields[field['name']] = field return fields def _pre_search_validation(self, location, query, sort_by, return_fields, max_features): """Perform validation on the parameters of the search query. Parameters ---------- location : pydov.util.location.AbstractLocationFilter Location filter limiting the features to retrieve. query : owslib.fes2.OgcExpression OGC filter expression to use for searching. This can contain any combination of filter elements defined in owslib.fes2. The query should use the fields provided in `get_fields()`. Note that not all fields are currently supported as a search parameter. sort_by : owslib.fes2.SortBy, optional List of properties to sort by. return_fields : pydov.types.fields.ReturnFieldList A list of fields to be returned in the output data. This should be a subset of the fields provided in `get_fields()`. max_features : int Limit the maximum number of features to request. Raises ------ pydov.util.errors.InvalidSearchParameterError When not one of `location`, `query` or `max_features` is provided. pydov.util.errors.InvalidFieldError When at least one of the fields in `return_fields` is unknown. When a field that is only accessible as return field is used as a query parameter. """ if location is None and query is None and max_features is None: raise InvalidSearchParameterError( 'Provide either the location or the query parameter or the ' 'max_features parameter.' ) if query is not None: if not isinstance(query, owslib.fes2.OgcExpression): if isinstance(query, owslib.fes.OgcExpression): raise InvalidSearchParameterError( "Query should be an owslib.fes2.OgcExpression.\n" "Try importing your query operators, like " f"'{query.__class__.__name__}', " "from the owslib.fes2 package." ) raise InvalidSearchParameterError( "Query should be an owslib.fes2.OgcExpression.") filter_request = FilterRequest() filter_request = filter_request.setConstraint(query) self._init_fields() for property_name in filter_request.findall( './/{}ValueReference'): name = property_name.text if name not in self._map_df_wfs_source \ and name not in self._wfs_fields: if name in self._fields: raise InvalidFieldError( "Cannot use return field '{}' in query.".format( name)) raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown query parameter: '{}'".format(name)) if name in self._wfs_fields and name in self._fields and \ self._fields[name]['type'] == 'geometry': raise InvalidFieldError( ("Cannot use geometry field '{}' in attribute query. " "Use the 'location' parameter for " "spatial filtering.").format(name) ) if location is not None: self._init_fields() if sort_by is not None: if not isinstance(sort_by, owslib.fes2.SortBy): raise InvalidSearchParameterError( "SortBy should be an owslib.fes2.SortBy") self._init_fields() for property_name in sort_by.toXML().findall( './/{}ValueReference'): name = property_name.text if name not in self._map_df_wfs_source \ and name not in self._wfs_fields: if name in self._fields: raise InvalidFieldError( "Cannot use return field '{}' for sorting.".format( name)) raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown query parameter: '{}'".format(name)) return_fields = ReturnFieldList.from_field_names(return_fields) if return_fields is not None: if not isinstance(return_fields, ReturnFieldList): raise AttributeError( 'return_fields should be an instance of ' 'pydov.types.fields.ReturnFieldList') self._init_fields() for rf in return_fields: if not in self._fields: if in self._map_wfs_source_df: raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown return field: " "'{}'. Did you mean '{}'?".format( rf, self._map_wfs_source_df[rf])) if in [i.lower() for i in self._map_wfs_source_df.keys()]: sugg = [i for i in self._map_wfs_source_df.keys() if i.lower() ==][0] raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown return field: " "'{}'. Did you mean '{}'?".format(, sugg)) raise InvalidFieldError( "Unknown return field: '{}'".format( elif len(self._type.fields) == 0: self._init_fields() @staticmethod def _get_remote_wfs_feature(wfs, typename, location, filter, sort_by, propertyname, max_features, geometry_column, crs=None, start_index=0, session=None): """Perform the WFS 2.0 GetFeature call to get features from the remote service. Parameters ---------- typename : str Layername to query. location : pydov.util.location.AbstractLocationFilter Location filter limiting the features to retrieve. filter : str of owslib.fes2.FilterRequest Filter request to search on attribute values. sort_by : str of owslib.fes2.SortBy, optional List of properties to sort by. propertyname : list<str> List of properties to return. max_features : int Limit the maximum number of features to request. geometry_column : str Name of the geometry column to use in the spatial filter. crs : str EPSG code of the CRS of the geometries that will be returned. Defaults to None, which means the default CRS of the WFS layer. start_index : int Index of the first feature to return. Can be used for paging. session : requests.Session Session to use to perform HTTP requests for data. Defaults to None, which means a new session will be created for each request. Returns ------- wfs_response, wfs_getfeature_request : bytes, etree.Element Response of the WFS service. """ wfs_getfeature_xml = owsutil.wfs_build_getfeature_request( geometry_column=geometry_column, typename=typename, location=location, filter=filter, sort_by=sort_by, max_features=max_features, propertyname=propertyname, start_index=start_index, crs=crs ) tree = HookRunner.execute_inject_wfs_getfeature_response( wfs_getfeature_xml) if tree is not None: return tree, wfs_getfeature_xml return owsutil.wfs_get_feature( baseurl=wfs.url, get_feature_request=wfs_getfeature_xml, session=session ), wfs_getfeature_xml def _search(self, location=None, query=None, return_fields=None, sort_by=None, max_features=None, extra_wfs_fields=[]): """Perform the WFS search by issuing a GetFeature request. Parameters ---------- location : pydov.util.location.AbstractLocationFilter Location filter limiting the features to retrieve. query : owslib.fes2.OgcExpression OGC filter expression to use for searching. This can contain any combination of filter elements defined in owslib.fes2. The query should use the fields provided in `get_fields()`. Note that not all fields are currently supported as a search parameter. return_fields : list<str> A list of fields to be returned in the output data. This should be a subset of the fields provided in `get_fields()`. Note that not all fields are currently supported as return fields. sort_by : owslib.fes2.SortBy, optional List of properties to sort by. max_features : int Limit the maximum number of features to request. extra_wfs_fields: list<str> A list of extra fields to be included in the WFS requests, regardless whether they're needed as return field. Optional, defaults to an empty list. Returns ------ list of etree.Element XML trees of the WFS responses containing the features matching the location and the query. Raises ------ pydov.util.errors.InvalidSearchParameterError When not one of `location`, `query` or `max_features` is provided. pydov.util.errors.InvalidFieldError When at least one of the fields in `return_fields` is unknown. When a field that is only accessible as return field is used as a query parameter. When a field that can only be used as a query parameter is used as a return field. """ self._pre_search_validation(location, query, sort_by, return_fields, max_features) self._init_namespace() self._init_wfs() filter_request = None if query is not None: filter_request = FilterRequest() filter_request = filter_request.setConstraint(query) if filter_request is not None: for property_name in filter_request.findall( './/{}ValueReference'): property_name.text = self._map_df_wfs_source.get( property_name.text, property_name.text) filter_request = etree.tostring(filter_request, encoding='unicode') if self._type.pkey_fieldname is not None: wfs_property_names = [self._type.pkey_fieldname] else: wfs_property_names = [] if return_fields is None: wfs_property_names.extend([ f['sourcefield'] for f in self._type.get_fields( source=('wfs',)).values() if ( self._type.pkey_fieldname is None or not f.get('wfs_injected', False))]) geom_return_crs = None else: wfs_property_names.extend([self._map_df_wfs_source[i] for i in self._map_df_wfs_source if i in return_fields]) geom_return_crs = [f.epsg for f in return_fields if isinstance(f, GeometryReturnField)] if len(geom_return_crs) > 0: geom_return_crs = f'EPSG:{geom_return_crs[0]}' else: geom_return_crs = None extra_custom_fields = set() for custom_field in self._type.get_fields( source=('custom_wfs',)).values(): extra_custom_fields.update(custom_field.requires_wfs_fields()) wfs_property_names.extend(extra_wfs_fields) wfs_property_names.extend(list(extra_custom_fields)) wfs_property_names = list(set(wfs_property_names)) if sort_by is not None: sort_by_xml = sort_by.toXML() for property_name in sort_by_xml.findall( './/{}ValueReference'): property_name.text = self._map_df_wfs_source.get( property_name.text, property_name.text) sort_by = etree.tostring(sort_by_xml, encoding='unicode') HookRunner.execute_wfs_search_init(params=dict( typename=self._layer, location=location, filter=filter_request, sort_by=sort_by, max_features=max_features, propertynames=wfs_property_names, geometry_column=self._geometry_column )) def _get_remote_wfs(start_index=0, max_features=None, session=None): fts, getfeature = self._get_remote_wfs_feature( wfs=self._wfs, typename=self._layer, location=location, filter=filter_request, sort_by=sort_by, max_features=max_features, propertyname=wfs_property_names, geometry_column=self._geometry_column, crs=geom_return_crs, start_index=start_index, session=session) tree = etree.fromstring(fts) if tree.get('numberReturned') is None: raise WfsGetFeatureError( "Error retrieving features of layer '{}' from " "DOV WFS server:\n{}".format( self._layer, etree.tostring(tree).decode('utf8'))) number_matched = int(tree.get('numberMatched')) number_returned = int(tree.get('numberReturned')) HookRunner.execute_wfs_search_result( number_matched, number_returned) HookRunner.execute_wfs_search_result_received(getfeature, tree) return tree result = [] # execute the first WFS query tree = _get_remote_wfs( start_index=0, max_features=max_features, session=pydov.session) result.append(tree) number_matched = int(tree.get('numberMatched')) number_returned = int(tree.get('numberReturned')) if max_features is not None and number_returned == max_features: # we asked for a limited number of features and we got all of them, # we're done! pass elif number_matched == number_returned: # all features that matched the query were returned, # we're done! pass else: # more features matched the query than were returned by the server, # we need more requests to fetch the rest of the results pool = LocalSessionThreadPool() if max_features is not None: fts_to_get = min( max_features, number_matched) - number_returned else: fts_to_get = number_matched - number_returned fts_per_req = self._wfs_max_features or number_returned extra_reqs = math.ceil(fts_to_get/fts_per_req) for i in range(extra_reqs): start_index = (i+1)*fts_per_req if i == extra_reqs - 1: # last request if fts_to_get == fts_per_req: max_features = None else: max_features = fts_to_get % fts_per_req else: max_features = fts_per_req pool.execute(_get_remote_wfs, (start_index, max_features)) for r in pool.join(): if r.get_error(): raise r.get_error() worker_result = r.get_result() if worker_result is not None and len(worker_result) > 0: result.append(worker_result) return result
[docs] def get_description(self): """Get the description of this search layer. Returns ------- str The description of this layer. """ wfs_layer = self._get_layer() return wfs_layer.abstract
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get the metadata of the fields that are available. Returns ------- fields : dict<str,dict> Dictionary containing the metadata of the available fields, where the metadata dictionary includes: name (str) The name of the field. definition (str) The definition of the field. type (str) The datatype of the field. notnull (boolean) Whether the field is mandatory (True) or can be null (False). query (boolean) Whether the field can be used in an attribute query. cost (integer) The cost associated with the request of this field in the output dataframe. Optionally, it can contain: values (list) A list of possible values for this field. """ self._init_fields() return self._fields
[docs] def search(self, location=None, query=None, sort_by=None, return_fields=None, max_features=None): """Search for objects of this type. Provide `location` and/or `query` and/or `max_features`. When `return_fields` is None, all fields are returned. Parameters ---------- location : pydov.util.location.AbstractLocationFilter or \ owslib.fes2.BinaryLogicOpType<AbstractLocationFilter> or \ owslib.fes2.UnaryLogicOpType<AbstractLocationFilter> Location filter limiting the features to retrieve. Can either be a single instance of a subclass of AbstractLocationFilter, or a combination using And, Or, Not of AbstractLocationFilters. query : owslib.fes2.OgcExpression OGC filter expression to use for searching. This can contain any combination of filter elements defined in owslib.fes2. The query should use the fields provided in `get_fields()`. Note that not all fields are currently supported as a search parameter. sort_by : owslib.fes2.SortBy, optional List of properties to sort by. return_fields : list<str> or tuple<str> or set<str> A list of fields to be returned in the output data. This should be a subset of the fields provided in `get_fields()`. Note that not all fields are currently supported as return fields. max_features : int Limit the maximum number of features to request. Returns ------- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing the output of the search query. Raises ------ pydov.util.errors.InvalidSearchParameterError When not one of `location` or `query` or `max_features` is provided. pydov.util.errors.InvalidFieldError When at least one of the fields in `return_fields` is unknown. When a field that is only accessible as return field is used as a query parameter. When a field that can only be used as a query parameter is used as a return field. AttributeError When the argument supplied as return_fields is not a list, tuple or set. NotImplementedError This is an abstract method that should be implemented in a subclass. """ return_fields = ReturnFieldList.from_field_names(return_fields) trees = self._search(location=location, query=query, sort_by=sort_by, return_fields=return_fields, max_features=max_features) feature_generators = [] for tree in trees: feature_generators.append( self._type.from_wfs(tree, self._wfs_namespace)) cols = self._type.get_field_names(return_fields, include_geometry=True) if len(cols) == 0: cols = self._type.get_field_names( return_fields, include_wfs_injected=True, include_geometry=False) df = pd.DataFrame( data=self._type.to_df_array( chain.from_iterable(feature_generators), return_fields), columns=cols) return df